Flight controllers report ‘miaow-ing’ aliens

Siberian air traffic controllers have reported being buzzed by a cat-like female voice coming from high speed UFO flying  over the remote diamond town of Yakutz.

The mystery object suddenly appeared at the edge of their screens doing over 1000 kph at a height of about 21 kilometres, then began changing direction in a haphazard manner.

One of the air traffic controllers told the pilot of a nearby Aeroflot plane, “’I kept hearing some female voice, as if a woman was saying miaow-miaow all the time”.

The flight controllers designated the mystery UFO the code ‘00000’ – allocated to any object flying through air space without a flight number.

Although the three minute video of the radar screen was posted to YouTube in February, it is not known exactly when the sighting took place.

Military experts think that the flying craft could in fact have been a secret Russian missile flight, although that would raise questions as to why it was travelling in commercial air space.