Two-Headed Piglet Brings Homes the Bacon for Colombian Farmer


Two heads are better than one, or so the saying goes. Well, try telling that to a little piglet in Colombia that has been born with a second, extra, surplus, auxiliary head.

The tiny little bacon-maker has two snouts and three eyes and celebrity status from the moment it was born. And while Hegel Ortega Padilla, who owns the farm says he has never come across anything like it in his life before, he is already licking his lips at what he hopes could be a real cash cow (in pig form).

Padilla, 68, says he has been inundated with offers from people who want to buy the latest addition to his farm. But the farmer has decided that he is going to use the two-headed pig as an attraction to get more people to his business.

Rather low quality images of the little snorter have gone viral online, with the adorably deformed piglet – who was the only abnormal one in a litter of 25 – winning the affections of people around the world.

Hegel’s son, Fernando Ortega, said: “Everyone began to ask about the pig, they wanted to find out about it and take pictures.

“It was a sensation. However, no one knows why it was born with two heads. There are 25 others in the group and there is no other animal with any deformity or physical problems.”

He added that some of the more superstitious members of the community in Colombia have called for the pig to be killed. In reality, however, the polycephaly animal will not last long anyway, so allowing it to live out its short life seems like the fairest thing to do.