New Horny Dinosaur Gets Scientists Very Excited


In the search for extraordinary news, you will never go far wrong with dinosaurs. And once again the pre-historic beasts have delivered up another treat from beyond the grave in the form of a new, exciting species.

The dinosaur, which was discovered by a member of the public in southeastern Alberta, had been buried along a Canadian river bank for 68 million years. But it has now been given its grand unveiling at the Royal Tyrrell Museum of Palaeontology.

Scientists have described the beast as one of the most unique dinosaurs ever discovered. It boasts an exotic set of facial horns and spines around the edge of the bony frill at the back of its skull.

hellboy-dinosaurSome people have dubbed the new discovery ‘Hellboy’ because its stubby horns above the eyes resembled the comic-book character of the same name. But ignore these troglodytes, its real, catchier name is Regaliceratops peterhewsi, which means “royal horned face” and honours the geologist who found it, Peter Hews.

The unveiling of the new species is well timed too, as dino blockbuster Jurassic World is busy trampling over the box office record books as it draws in huge crowds around the world.

The fourth film in the Jurassic saga includes an interesting twist in which Chris Pratt is able tame and train his own Raptor Squad – this in turn has given birth to a new internet craze of zookeepers recreating one of the stand-out scenes, which you can admire below or check out #JurassicZookeeper.





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